Embracing "Lifting Heavy Sh*t" Can Make All the Difference in Your 50s

Embracing "Lifting Heavy Sh*t" Can Make All the Difference in Your 50s

When my FABULOUS client Sarah told me she wanted to “lift heavy sh*t” it was music to my ears. We’ve worked together for years and over time we’ve shifted focus of her program to strategically align with evolving priorities including improving body composition and health markers through an integrated approach to exercise, nutrition and recovery; easing the transition into perimenopause; enabling her active lifestyle and love of tennis and scuba; and ensuring her vitality, mobility and agility as she inches toward early retirement. Her love of metrics, data and science have given us the insights necessary to build her ideal program for her unique body which is yielding incredible results. Her continual efforts to learn and try new approaches is inspiring and I’m so grateful she took the time to discuss her journey here.

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Jim’s DIY Kimchi & Sauerkraut Recipes

Jim’s DIY Kimchi & Sauerkraut Recipes

I try to get in at least two fermented foods/day (some experts recommend as many as five!). I eat Greek yogurt, berries, basil seeds and local honey for breakfast which counts as one. And then I add a cup of sauerkraut or kimchi to my lunch or dinner. The brand Peter and I like the most is Wildbrine. Well… it was until my client Jim started giving me his homemade sauerkraut and kimchi! Understandably making your own fermented food isn’t for the weak of heart (or gut!). But for those with a DIY spirit who enjoy growing and making your own food I asked Jim to share how he makes such yummy and beautiful fermented foods at home. Here’s his recipe!

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Toe Spacers for Better Mobility, Reduced Pain and Improved Performance

Toe Spacers for Better Mobility, Reduced Pain and Improved Performance

Sometimes the smallest things (literally) can have a big impact! While these toe spaces may be tiny, they are mighty! At the recommendation of our FANTASTIC physical therapist Dr. Mark Bautista my husband and I started wearing them to help improve the alignment of our toes which can get squished and abused in shoes over time and from loads of activity like hiking and running.

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Nutrient Stacking: Building a Meal Based on Your Health Goals

Nutrient Stacking: Building a Meal Based on Your Health Goals

One of my favorite sayings as a trainer is movement is medicine. It’s so true. But food is the original medicine and is often overlooked as the most natural way to influence our health. Here’s an example of how I’ve used recent research about food to create a super yummy and super impactful meal perfect for pre- or post-workout.

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Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

"Exercise snacks" are having a moment in the mainstream media and I’m loving it. I've talked for years with clients about the benefits of supplementing longer, traditional workouts with "little bites of movement" throughout the day. Sitting for hours and not moving is the enemy to good health for so many reasons. So finding ways to get up and do something awesome for your body (and your cells) is key to better health. Don't get too bogged down with the protocol. Just embrace the concept of trying to get up and do some intentional movement at least every hour of the day.

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How to Make Pizza Salad (aka Panzanella)

How to Make Pizza Salad (aka Panzanella)

So this recipe is a little different from what I usually share. This one is more about inspiration and sparking joy and experiencing life. So indulge me in a little backstory. TLDR: I made panzanella using leftover pizza from A16 and some impromptu ingredients I picked up at the farmer’s market and was thrilled with myself. I’m calling it “pizza salad”. It made me really happy. 

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Can a “Heart Attack Test” Spot Early Signs of Heart Disease?

Can a “Heart Attack Test” Spot Early Signs of Heart Disease?

As I settle into my mid-40s I’m starting to take closer and closer looks at my biomarkers. While I bust my butt to exercise and eat well I’ve always had to keep an eye on my LDL (“bad cholesterol’). In addition to their amazing good looks, intelligence and humility, I also inherited that from my parents! So I recently scheduled a quick and easy imaging test of my heart to better understand my heart health and risk for future heart disease.

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JJFit in the News: 11 Tips for a Weekly Home Reset

JJFit in the News: 11 Tips for a Weekly Home Reset

In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, a reset day at home can be a much-needed respite, offering a much needed opportunity to recharge and recalibrate. Whether it’s catching up on rest, organizing your living space, or indulging in a hobby, dedicating a day to reset can yield significant benefits for both your mental and physical well-being. Whether you live in an apartment in San Francisco, CA, a rental house in Minneapolis, MN, or a home in Columbia, MO, check out this Redfin article which featured 11 secrets (including one my favorites!) to a successful weekly home reset reset day.

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Walk for 2-15 Minutes After a Meal to Reduce Glucose Impact

Walk for 2-15 Minutes After a Meal to Reduce Glucose Impact

According to Mairlyn Smith P.H.Ec. (aka “the fart walk lady”) going on a short walk within 60 minutes of a meal can significantly help moderate blood sugar spikes and lower risk of diabetes and other metabolic issues as well as aid in digestion. And this checks out from many other sources including New York Times, Cleveland Clinic and the journal Sports Medicine. Plus, it’s a great way to get some much needed sunlight in our eyes, to take a break from devices and to practice breathing or moving meditation--all things that help manage our biorhythm, reduce stress and improve sleep. So get out there and #fartwalk!

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Fermented Foods Challenge

Fermented Foods Challenge

If you have been within earshot of me over the past month you've no doubt heard that I'm having a lot of fun integrating Good Energy foods into my life. One of Dr. Means’ many recommendations (read the entire book, please!) is to integrate fermented foods into our daily diets. Now, I've heard this before. And resisted. Because... ew. I'm not naturally adventurous with my food choices. Until now. Fermented foods support our gut biome which plays a critical role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function and even mental health. And fermented foods are helpful because of their probiotic and postbiotic properties.

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What Happens When You Take a Social Media Break?

What Happens When You Take a Social Media Break?

Have you ever gotten that weekly ping from your phone to look at your screen time stats for the week and cringed? I rarely look. I know my screen time has creeped up to an unhealthy level. And shocker! While my screen time, particularly social media time, has creeped up, my sleep quantity has creeped down while my stress and blood pressure have creeped up. I finally admitted ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. And in an act of dramatic desperation I declared on Instagram and Facebook that I was signing off for the month of June as an experiment to see what life, and my health, would be like without social media. 

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3 Ways Your Vision Is Hurting Your Fitness

3 Ways Your Vision Is Hurting Your Fitness

When discussing health factors that influence how fit you are, it’s important not to overlook your vision. Although the eyes may be among the smallest organs, they hold influence over most aspects of your day-to-day—including your fitness. After all, your visual system is responsible for keeping your mind and body performing optimally. Here are a few ways this happens and what to do about it.

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Food Is Medicine! JJFit Book Club: Good Energy

Food Is Medicine! JJFit Book Club: Good Energy

There is growing mainstream attention to the fact that many of today's health issues (obesity, dementia, diabetes, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and so many more) can be linked to issues in the gut biome and dysfunction in the metabolism. I recently listened to a two and half hour podcast with Dr. Casey Means, MD. She wrote a new book which was released today. I was like, dude. TWO AND A HALF HOURS?! No way this will hold my attention. Not true. Likely the most informative, exciting and empowering podcast I've heard in a very long time.

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DEXA 2.0: What Gets Measured Gets Managed!

DEXA 2.0: What Gets Measured Gets Managed!

What gets measured gets managed! I had the pleasure of going on a field trip recently to visit my pals at Custom Fit for a DEXA scan. Why? Because I love data and this machine is the gold standard in terms of knowing your muscle mass and body fat distribution, bone density, visceral fat surrounding your organs and resting metabolic rate. My last scan was in 2017 and I wanted to see how my health markers had changed. I’m sharing my results here (PDF) so you can see how much valuable information the scan provides.

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3 Easy Ways I Improved Sleep QUALITY

3 Easy Ways I Improved Sleep QUALITY

I had an “ah hah” moment last week while on my long run. I was listening to the Whoop podcast with Dan Churchill. It takes a lot to impress me. And this guy is impressive. He has a busy, physical day job (chef at a fancy Brooklyn hot spot), is on a book tour and oh yeah, no big deal, just finished the Boston Marathon. He talked about his challenge with getting his ideal QUANTITY of sleep based on his activity and how he focuses on improving his sleep QUALITY. I’ve been so hyper focused on extending my sleep that it never occurred to me I could “cheat it” by improving the quality. 

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Smoked Salmon Egg Muffins FTW

Smoked Salmon Egg Muffins FTW

Post run “brunch” for the win! I made these egg muffins for the week so grabbed two and heated them up in the microwave and tossed them on top of some low calorie toast with smoked salmon and some spring mix with a little balsamic. Five minutes to throw it together and seriously yummy with plenty of protein and healthy fat and veggies.

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Healthy, Tasty & Easy Curry Chicken Salad

Healthy, Tasty & Easy Curry Chicken Salad

I am living for this super easy and super healthy curry chicken salad recipe. I made it on Sunday and had it for lunch all week. You can serve it over mixed greens, in a sandwich, in a wrap or by itself for a protein-packed snack. Several of my clients jumped on board and have been loving it too.

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Try Adding Partial Reps for Increased Muscle

Try Adding Partial Reps for Increased Muscle

There are lots of ways of building strength and muscle besides the obvious "just add more weight". I'm a big fan of temp programming, BFR and adding partial reps at the point where the muscle is longest like in this cable fly. I start with slightly less weight and perform 10 reps of full range of motion and then finish with 10 "partials" at the back end of the movement. This is a great way to get a strong pump and feel the burn. Want to know the science behind it? Check out this study from PubMed.

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What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

I am a big fan of my Whoop wearable. It has helped me better understand how exercise, sleep and stress impact my body and mind. I also love the Whoop podcast. This month it included a really lovely guided Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) session. Yeah, NSDR may just be a fancy name coined for the simple, "duh" concept of a lie-down. But if you only have a few minutes and don't love traditional meditation it's a great thing to try!

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JJ Named to 21 Best Personal Trainers in San Francisco by SFist

JJ Named to 21 Best Personal Trainers in San Francisco by SFist

Thanks to the team at SFist.com for recognizing me on this list of great personal trainers in the Bay Area. I’m honored to be included with these standout fitness professionals and am grateful my 10+ years working in downtown SF has allowed me to help so many great clients. To confirm, being included was a surprise to me and was not a paid endorsement. #theylikemetheyreallylikeme

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