Walk for 2-15 Minutes After a Meal to Reduce Glucose Impact

Walk for 2-15 Minutes After a Meal to Reduce Glucose Impact

According to Mairlyn Smith P.H.Ec. (aka “the fart walk lady”) going on a short walk within 60 minutes of a meal can significantly help moderate blood sugar spikes and lower risk of diabetes and other metabolic issues as well as aid in digestion. And this checks out from many other sources including New York Times, Cleveland Clinic and the journal Sports Medicine. Plus, it’s a great way to get some much needed sunlight in our eyes, to take a break from devices and to practice breathing or moving meditation--all things that help manage our biorhythm, reduce stress and improve sleep. So get out there and #fartwalk!

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3 Ways Your Vision Is Hurting Your Fitness

3 Ways Your Vision Is Hurting Your Fitness

When discussing health factors that influence how fit you are, it’s important not to overlook your vision. Although the eyes may be among the smallest organs, they hold influence over most aspects of your day-to-day—including your fitness. After all, your visual system is responsible for keeping your mind and body performing optimally. Here are a few ways this happens and what to do about it.

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