Get More Mobile Ankles and Stronger Feet in 3 Minutes

Get More Mobile Ankles and Stronger Feet in 3 Minutes

I’ve had multiple clients ask me this week how to take better care of their feet. Whether you have joint pain (foot, knee, hip or back) now or simply want to avoid it in the future, here’s my gameplay for healthy tootsies.

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Why and How to Consider a Turmeric Supplement

Why and How to Consider a Turmeric Supplement

I have noticed since hitting 40 my body is changing. My joints get more sore, recovery from tough workouts can take longer and sometimes my brain feels foggy. All normal stuff that smart people I trust have told me turmeric can help with. So a few years ago I did what any logical person would do. I crowd sourced it to social media and cross referenced it with scholarly research and got a bevy of solid advice here.

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Three Stretches for Better Wrist Mobility

Three Stretches for Better Wrist Mobility

In this quick video my amazing physical therapist and friend Dr. Justin Jellin of G Sports Physical Therapy in San Francisco shows us his three most effective stretches for tight wrists, hands and forearms. If your hands and wrists are tight and tired from typing, texting, lifting, etc, try each of these three stretches for 30s two times each side (unless they cause pain and in that case rest and give him a call).

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Tight Neck and Shoulders? Try These Wall Angels!

Tight Neck and Shoulders? Try These Wall Angels!

If you have a tight neck and shoulders, doing a stretch like this scorpion opener and combining with these wall angels may be the winning combo for better mobility and posture. As always, consult a physical therapist or medical professional for any pain and stop any stretch or exercise right away if it doesn’t feel safe for you.

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