Can I Exercise if I Get COVID?

It’s definitely COVID and flu season. And despite all our best efforts some of us are going to get sick. A handful of my virtual clients and friends have come down with mild (thankfully) COVID cases already this month. Some feel crummier than others. In my universe no one has (knock on wood) had a super rough go of it. They describe it mostly as a general nuisance and a foil to their plans of being productive and active. Folks have asked me “can I still exercise?” I can’t answer that for anyone. There is no universal guidance on whether one can/should exercise with COVID. Obviously one should avoid the gym and other people so as not to spread their germs. I’ve dug around trying my best to get an answer and like so many things in the realm of health and wellness, “it depends”. 

A few key findings and resources to help you decide. I really love this video from Dr. Montero and the Mayo Clinic. He suggests if your illness is “above the neck” (i.e. head cold, stuffy nose, etc) you may be fine for low and moderate intensity exercise. If your issues are “below the neck” (body aches, stomach problems, etc) skip it. If you have a fever, do yourself a favor and rest. If you decide to exercise, take it down a notch and go gradual to avoid a relapse according to doctors at UCLA. The good news is that exercise is increasingly linked (before getting COVID) with fewer COVID and long COVID symptoms. So yet again showing that "Exercise is the answer; what’s your question?" Remember that COVID affects your heart and lungs so do not overtax them while they’re fighting a virus. And (not trying to get political here) but be sensible and get vaccinated. I got mine quick and easy at my local pharmacy by scheduling an online appointment.

As always, consult your medical professional before making important health decisions. This post is not medical advice; it’s meant solely as an educational resource.