Metrics That Matter Update: VO2 Max

Metrics That Matter Update: VO2 Max

I recently noticed that my fitness wearable (Whoop) started automatically estimating V02 Max and in talking with clients this week I learned Apple, Garmin and many other popular wearables do the same. I wrote about this health and fitness metric back in 2019. I’d say the results given by wearables are “cool” and “interesting”. If you want to get more precise, you can perform a more robust and more accurate test wearing a mask while performing strenuous cardio (usually on a treadmill but also possible on a bike or rower). 

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Do I Need an Electrolyte Supplement?

Do I Need an Electrolyte Supplement?

I’ve been getting questions from clients and colleagues lately about electrolyte supplementation. Ads, influencers and podcasters are promoting brands like LMNT which disagree with current salt intake recommendations and advocate for “More Salt, Not Less”. My gut told me daily electrolyte supplementation is probably unnecessary for most people but that it couldn’t hurt you. To be sure, I checked in with my go-to nutrition expert and registered dietician (and ultra marathoner and all around awesome human) Tarah Valenti from CustomFit for her input.

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Can I Exercise if I Get COVID?

Can I Exercise if I Get COVID?

It’s definitely COVID and flu season. And despite all our best efforts some of us are going to get sick. A handful of my virtual clients and friends have come down with mild (thankfully) COVID cases already this month. Some feel crummier than others. In my universe no one has (knock on wood) had a super rough go of it. They describe it mostly as a general nuisance and a foil to their plans of being productive and active. Folks have asked me “can I still exercise?” I can’t answer that for anyone. There is no universal guidance on whether one can/should exercise with COVID. Obviously one should avoid the gym and other people so as not to spread their germs. I’ve dug around trying my best to get an answer and like so many things in the realm of health and wellness, “it depends”. 

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Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

Try "Exercise Snacks" for Better Health and Fitness

"Exercise snacks" are having a moment in the mainstream media and I’m loving it. I've talked for years with clients about the benefits of supplementing longer, traditional workouts with "little bites of movement" throughout the day. Sitting for hours and not moving is the enemy to good health for so many reasons. So finding ways to get up and do something awesome for your body (and your cells) is key to better health. Don't get too bogged down with the protocol. Just embrace the concept of trying to get up and do some intentional movement at least every hour of the day.

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Can a “Heart Attack Test” Spot Early Signs of Heart Disease?

Can a “Heart Attack Test” Spot Early Signs of Heart Disease?

As I settle into my mid-40s I’m starting to take closer and closer looks at my biomarkers. While I bust my butt to exercise and eat well I’ve always had to keep an eye on my LDL (“bad cholesterol’). In addition to their amazing good looks, intelligence and humility, I also inherited that from my parents! So I recently scheduled a quick and easy imaging test of my heart to better understand my heart health and risk for future heart disease.

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