"Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit. The More You Eat, the More You..." Might Help Eliminate Microplastics from Your Body!
/Lately there's a lot of discussion, fear and debate about the impact that microplastics are having on our bodies. A recent Pump Club newsletter from Arnold discusses research that reports people who eat more fiber (30+ grams/day) showed a significant reduction in microplastic absorption compared to those with lower fiber intake. And a recent Whoop podcast featuring Dr. Federica Amati from Zoey discusses how fiber (which beans are very rich in) positively impacts gut health.
I've been on a quest for a simple way to eat a serving of beans daily to "pump up" my fiber but I hate cooking and am trying to not go the prepared/packaged food route this time to keep sodium and processing to a minimum. So I asked a few of my all star clients for ideas and they shared these two simple, whole foods-based bean salads that last a week in the fridge. Enjoy!
Roasted Carrot Salad with Cannellini Beans, Avocado & Sunflower Seeds from Good Eggs
Image courtesy of Pexels.com