Advanced Chin Tuck Strength Drill for Better Posture

A while back I shared this great basic chin tuck exercise to help with posture, tightness and pain in the neck and shoulders. This is a great move to do for anyone who sits and works on devices for much of the day to build awareness for proper alignment of the cervical spine. Posture and being pain free is important to a lot of my clients. And several of them have really benefited from a progression of this move to build more strength in the muscles that pull your neck and head back to a healthier position. This one was taught to me by the awesome Dr. Mark Bautista of Balanced Beast Physical Therapy. It should feel good (maybe a little weird at first). If you experience any pain stop right away. As always, consult a medical professional (like Dr. Baustista!) if you have pain, injury or anything doesn’t feel right.