Overcoming ACL Tears: Don't Let Injuries Rob You of Your Passions

Overcoming ACL Tears: Don't Let Injuries Rob You of Your Passions

This is the story of my client Phil. Though only in his mid-20s years of high level volleyball left him with a damaged knee. Three ACL tears and five knee surgeries later the doctors put him on the bench and told him to wait until medical technology improved enough to offer him a solution. No more hiking, surfing or rock climbing. Simply stepping off a curb presented a challenge. Fast forward less than a year later and, after consistent hard work, Phil has safely summited Half Dome and can hike over the most rugged terrain. To learn some specific exercises for how we strengthened his knee to accomplish this, read on.

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My Favorite Hamstring Stretch

My Favorite Hamstring Stretch

A lot of folks, including myself, have tight hamstrings that foam rolling, static stretching and basic dynamic stretches can’t seem to tackle. Chronically tight hamstrings can lead to compensations in movement patterns, pain behind the knees and lower back and other nasty injuries and problems. For the past few months I’ve practiced a basic move using a monster band and have noticed a difference in my hamstring flexibility and overall mobility including the absence of lower back ache. I’ve used this technique with about a dozen clients so far and those who have done it consistently have seen solid results.

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30 Minute Meal: Low Carb Chicken Caprese with Zucchini Noodles

30 Minute Meal: Low Carb Chicken Caprese with Zucchini Noodles

One of my awesome clients Jason gave me a challenge last week. He wanted a quick (30 minutes or less) meal he can make at home with ingredients he can pick up at practically any grocery store (not just Whole Foods) that will fit his macros. Normally he meal preps and is open to the occasional food delivery service but wanted something he could make himself and hopefully have left overs. Challenge accepted! Try this low carb, high protein and healthy fat spin on a comfort food favorite.

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