Metrics That Matter Update: VO2 Max

Metrics That Matter Update: VO2 Max

I recently noticed that my fitness wearable (Whoop) started automatically estimating V02 Max and in talking with clients this week I learned Apple, Garmin and many other popular wearables do the same. I wrote about this health and fitness metric back in 2019. I’d say the results given by wearables are “cool” and “interesting”. If you want to get more precise, you can perform a more robust and more accurate test wearing a mask while performing strenuous cardio (usually on a treadmill but also possible on a bike or rower). 

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Visit Bay Area's A Runner's Mind for the Perfect Shoes

Visit Bay Area's A Runner's Mind for the Perfect Shoes

Since 2019 I’ve been super impressed with the service and selection at A Runner’s Mind and have been lucky enough to work with the General Manager Eileen in San Francisco and Manager Cindy in Burlingame. Rather than just picking the shoe I think looks the best, they’ve taught me over the years what type of shoe my feet and body need to perform my best and keep me pain and injury free. They use sophisticated assessments to analyze the arches of your feet and video your gait to determine your support needs.

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Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

Five of My Favorite Fitness Trackers for Optimizing Health, Performance and Diet

There are SO MANY trackers on the market. And the landscape changes all the time. The ones discussed in this post are the ones I have personally used at various stages of my fitness journey and have seen work for many of my clients. If you have something that is already working for you, GREAT! Don’t fix what ain’t broke. But if you are looking for something to aid you along in your wellness journey maybe one or some of these can help.

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Dr. Mark and JJ Discuss and Demo the Latest Uses for BFR Training

Dr. Mark and JJ Discuss and Demo the Latest Uses for BFR Training

I’ve written about BFR (“Blood Flow Restriction”) or “Occlusion” Training on and off since 2017. This modality of resistance training has been clinically proven as a way to effectively and safely “hypertrophy” muscle. So when I was recently visiting my AMAZING physical therapist Dr. Mark Bautista, I was surprised to see patients being treated with BFR cuffs. I asked Dr. Mark about it and I learned about the deluge of recent clinical studies that have broadened the usage of BFR to include injury-specific rehab/prehab, sports performance, endurance, strength as well as traditional hypertrophy.

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Schedule Your JJFit RunFit Assessment Before Training for Your Next Event

Schedule Your JJFit RunFit Assessment Before Training for Your Next Event

Whether you’re a veteran runner with several events under your belt or you’re considering your first 10k, half marathon or full marathon a comprehensive gate and mobility assessment might be a wise investment. I’ve prepared and trained dozens of clients for a variety of events from their first 5k to a Spartan and even an Iron Man and ultra marathon. If you’d like to improve your performance, manage existing injuries, reduce pain and prevent future injuries a run assessment can help.

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"Cooking with JJ" Episode 4: Magic Morgan Energy Bars

"Cooking with JJ" Episode 4: Magic Morgan Energy Bars

In the kitchen with me this week is one of my very favorite humans. Morgan McEvilly is a talented personal trainer, yoga instructor and wellness guru. I’ve learned so much from her over the years and I’m so grateful she found the time to come show us how to make her famous Magical Morgan Energy Bars. These yummy, plant-based treats are perfect pick-me-ups for quick, natural energy and make a great pre- or post-workout treat. All you need is a sturdy food processor and a selection of your favorite nuts, dried fruits and fresh dates.

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A Quick Guide to Choosing the Best Running Shoes for You

A Quick Guide to Choosing the Best Running Shoes for You

About 50 million Americans participate in some form of running or jogging, according to a 2020 report from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. This year, with running events like the San Francisco Marathon set to resume in September, it’s a great time to get in gear and start training.If you want to maximize the many benefits of running and prevent injury, you first have to get yourself some dedicated running shoes. Here’s a handy guide to help you find your perfect pair.

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Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

Bay Area FitFam "Gather" for a Virtual 10k March 14

I've really missed training for and experiencing races during the pandemic. And some of my clients and friends have expressed similar feelings. So we're banding together in true 2021 form and planning a VIRTUAL 10K on Sunday, March 14 (eight weeks away in case you want to do a formal eight week training program). Will provide more info as we get closer but for now, comment on the IG thread if you want in and you’ll be included on the list!

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Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

Client Spotlight: How a 56-Year Old lawyer Crushed a Dipsea "Quad Quad"

I'm super proud of my client and friend Bradley Fenner who hasn't let 2020 stop him from reaching his fitness goals. This month Bradley, a 56-year old lawyer, successfully completed a Dipsea "Quad Quad". That means this avid runner managed to traverse the iconic 7.1-mile Dipsea Trail between Mill Valley and Stinson Beach 16 times for a total of 113.2 miles (and nearly 37,000 feet) in just under 34 hours. Let that sink in and read all about Bradley’s journey.

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New 6-Week RunFit Boot Camp Starting in February

New 6-Week RunFit Boot Camp Starting in February

Want to amp up your cardio and endurance fitness in 2020? Join me in my new 6-week RunFit Boot Camp! Classes will consist of a mix of speed work, hills, tempo and endurance running both indoor and outdoor, as well as strength circuits designed to improve your mobility and strengthen your core, back and glutes. Perfect for all levels and experience, this scalable 18-class program is open to Bay Club members as well as non-members.

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