Jim’s DIY Kimchi & Sauerkraut Recipes

Jim’s DIY Kimchi & Sauerkraut Recipes

I try to get in at least two fermented foods/day (some experts recommend as many as five!). I eat Greek yogurt, berries, basil seeds and local honey for breakfast which counts as one. And then I add a cup of sauerkraut or kimchi to my lunch or dinner. The brand Peter and I like the most is Wildbrine. Well… it was until my client Jim started giving me his homemade sauerkraut and kimchi! Understandably making your own fermented food isn’t for the weak of heart (or gut!). But for those with a DIY spirit who enjoy growing and making your own food I asked Jim to share how he makes such yummy and beautiful fermented foods at home. Here’s his recipe!

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Food Is Medicine! JJFit Book Club: Good Energy

Food Is Medicine! JJFit Book Club: Good Energy

There is growing mainstream attention to the fact that many of today's health issues (obesity, dementia, diabetes, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and so many more) can be linked to issues in the gut biome and dysfunction in the metabolism. I recently listened to a two and half hour podcast with Dr. Casey Means, MD. She wrote a new book which was released today. I was like, dude. TWO AND A HALF HOURS?! No way this will hold my attention. Not true. Likely the most informative, exciting and empowering podcast I've heard in a very long time.

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