Try These 6 Moves for a Strong Back

Try These 6 Moves for a Strong Back

In this video I show you six of my current favorite lower and mid back strengthening exercises that also force you to work your core and arms making for a terrific workout. If you are working on weight loss you can circuit these moves in sets of ~15 or more reps with 60s rest between sets. If you are working on basic strength you can increase the weight and try 3 strict sets of 12 reps with 60s-90s rest in between. Or if you're looking to hypertrophy (build muscle) up the weight even more and try 4 sets of 8-12 reps and give yourself 90s-120s rest in between sets. For more info on how to build a strong back and for more advanced back moves check out this blog post.

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Your Motion to Move (in Three Planes) Is Granted

Your Motion to Move (in Three Planes) Is Granted

Busy professionals spend the bulk of their days sitting at their desks, in meetings, on planes or in cars. Even the most disciplined can struggle finding enough time to stretch, do cardio and lift weights—all of which we know improve mobility, reduce pain and improve brain performance, not to mention improve the way we look and feel. When they do find time to move, they often don’t realize their exercises are keeping them exclusively in one “plane of motion.” Most of us need more planes of motion training in our workouts. But what does that mean? Read on in my latest Fit Counselor column for

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7 Scenarios When Not Working Out Is the Healthier Choice

7 Scenarios When Not Working Out Is the Healthier Choice

My clients tend to be super successful, Type A, driven professionals who demand a lot from themselves (and the world around them). This can be a really positive trait and an attitude that helps people get the results they want from their workouts. But sometimes, especially with the stress of our 24/7, always online culture, this can be dialed up too high and they push too hard. I recommend listening to your body. If you ignore your body, it will only scream louder. So what does that look like? Start with this MyFitnessPal Blog post with comments from me and other trainers where we explore seven situations when the best thing for your health really is to stay away from the gym. (And it’s not just when you’re sick.)

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9 Useful Gym Machines

9 Useful Gym Machines

US News & World Report asked me and several other top fitness pros which machines in the gym are best for women. Note, these machines are great for both genders. Women belong on the bench press just as much as men. And men could benefit from traditional "female" exercises like pilates, barre and glute kick backs. Many folks, male and female, aren’t comfortable lifting free weights and barbells, but they still need to tackle resistance and cardio training in their workouts. Here are nine user-friendly gym machines anyone can use to get in shape. And for a tutorial on how to row with great form check out this post with pal Lauren Barkan.

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Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Don't Neglect Planes of Motion Training

Many of us could benefit from more "planes of motion" training in our workouts. In a nutshell, the body is designed to move in three planes of motion: sagittal (like in a squat or bicep curl), frontal (like in a lateral lunge or side cable raise) and transverse (like in a "curtsy" lunge or a bicycle crunch). Most of us live almost exclusively in the sagittal plane limiting our functional mobility, strength and performance. Read more about the importance of planes of motion. in addition to standard sagittal exercises (which are still great) consider layering in more frontal and traverse moves to your program for your lower body, upper body and core.

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JJFit in the News: Workout Programs vs. One-Off Routines: Which Is Best for You? (Openfit)

JJFit in the News: Workout Programs vs. One-Off Routines: Which Is Best for You? (Openfit)

Focusing on your health and fitness is an investment in your time, energy and money. And just like buying organic produce or wearing proper running shoes, it may be a worthwhile investment to get a professionally-designed workout program from a trained professional (like yours truly). But is it absolutely necessary? Especially when the internet is overflowing with free workouts from people who, if their defined abs are any indication, seem to know what they’re doing? Check out my interview for for tips to decide what’s right for you.

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JJFit in the News: How to Clean Up 8 Notorious Gym Moves (Oxygen Magazine)

JJFit in the News: How to Clean Up 8 Notorious Gym Moves (Oxygen Magazine)

When you arrive at the gym, there’s probably a lot on your mind — from stress over neglected emails to excitement about weekend plans. While you certainly get bonus points just for showing up, if you’re working out while distracted or haven’t been trained on proper movements, your workout could lead to unintended consequences. Based on years of observations, I've identified the main moves people execute incorrectly time and again — and provided instruction on how to perform them properly. Thanks to my amazing friend and writer Jill Schildhouse for including my tips in this article and to my beautiful clients Erica and Sarah for demoing good form.

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Crush Your 10K Goals with this 8-Week Training Program

Crush Your 10K Goals with this 8-Week Training Program

After weeks and weeks in the recording studio I’m STOKED to announce that my 8-week 10K training program is now available for free on the ClassPassGo app. Perfect for all levels, this audio training program includes three steadily progressive classes each week that will safely and effectively improve your speed, endurance and strength so you can crush it on race day. In addition to programming and instruction you’ll get plenty of form tips to make sure your strike and stride are on point, nutrition advice so you are properly fueling your body pre-/post- class and tips to prepare before the big race and how to recover after. Check it on the app.

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Four Advanced Moves for Building a Strong, Balanced Back

Four Advanced Moves for Building a Strong, Balanced Back

Everyone loves a good chest workout, including yours truly, but you shouldn’t neglect your “posterior chain”. Ignoring back day can deteriorate your posture, lead to injuries and wreak havoc on your athletic performance. If your back program is in need of some inspiration, consider these programming tips and four advanced moves for adding functional strength and symmetry to your upper, mid and lower back. Oh, and they’ll help you look great in a tank top too.

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Tired of the treadmill? Sick of the Elliptical? Try Rowing.

Tired of the treadmill? Sick of the Elliptical? Try Rowing.

Tired of the treadmill? Sick of the Elliptical? Try Rowing. If you haven’t gotten the memo yet, you need to be doing cardio. After cleaning up your diet and getting sufficient sleep it is one of the most important things you should be doing to stay healthy and fit. But I get it. You’re busy. So what form of cardio will give you the biggest bang for your buck? When done properly rowing is a metabolic, total body workout that strengthens a lot of areas the average desk-bound folks needs to work on. But without proper form you may find your lower back, hips and neck hurting. Check out rowing tips and videos from my latest Fit Counselor column

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And the Category is... June Pride Playlists

And the Category is... June Pride Playlists

It's June and that means Pride season in San Francisco. I'm super proud to be marching this year with the Equinox contingency and to get in the mood I put together this Spotify Pride Playlist we'll be rocking in my Body Challenge class this month. And my AMAZING student and pal Jake Eidson created this AMAZING Body Challenge Pride Playlist too. Best. Pride. Present. Ever. 

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JJ's Body Challenge Workout and Playlists

JJ's Body Challenge Workout and Playlists

I've had the privilege of instructing my Body Challenge strength class at Equinox Pine Street for over a year. We started with Tuesdays at 6a and when folks asked for more we added Thursdays at 6a. Over time my crew of morning ninjas has grown and my core students have gotten stronger, improved their posture and become more athletic. They've learned how to safely perform all the main lifts (squats, deadlifts, lunges, pulls and presses) and how to create stability in their cores. When my students travel they tell me they really miss my class and their community. So now you can take a little piece of Pine Street with you on the road. Just toss an ankle band in your carry on and you'll be good to go!

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The Best Stretches to Help with Back and Hip Pain

The Best Stretches to Help with Back and Hip Pain

Lower back and hip pain is incredibly common thanks to the hours and hours we spend sitting and toiling away on computers and devices. Finding the right stretches, mobility drills and strengthening exercises that will help reset your body and spending a few minutes each day consistently performing them can help keep you pain free and tracking toward your fitness goals. If lower back and hip aches and pains are slowing you down, give these exercises a try. 

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Looking for Fresh Exercise Ideas and Demos? Checkout #jjfit247exerciselibrary on Instagram

Looking for Fresh Exercise Ideas and Demos? Checkout #jjfit247exerciselibrary on Instagram

Each week I post a variety of barbell, dumbbell, cable, resistance band and bodyweight strength, stability and mobility exercises to my Instagram account under the hashtag #jjfit247exerciselibrary. If you are looking for fresh exercise ideas to try in your own workouts, form tips and demos, be sure to follow me. And don't hesitate to comment with questions or your own variations. 

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