Scapular "Push Ups" for Strong, Pain Free Shoulders

Scapular "Push Ups" for Strong, Pain Free Shoulders

The fantastic Morgan McEvily and I get into some super fun shenanigans while we demo variations of the yummy scapular "push up" for folks who may be experiencing shoulder pain or weakness in the muscles that work the super important scapula.

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Looking for a Killer Shoulder Program?

Looking for a Killer Shoulder Program?

I've been working a lot this year, thanks to the incomparable Marcia Robles, on shoulders. Shoulders are like the Regina George of joints: they're fabulous but they're evil. Meaning they are (or should be) one of our most mobile joints, but due to modern living and desk culture many folks suffer from lack of proper shoulder mobility/stability, impingement and other dysfunctions which make it hard or impossible to strength train. But with the proper warm up and mobility drills, and the clearance of your physical therapist if you have one, this program is a great one for getting those striations popping and to stimulate hypertrophy (muscle growth).

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Tights Shoulders and Neck? Channel Your Inner Scorpion!

Tights Shoulders and Neck? Channel Your Inner Scorpion!

If you are feeling tight in the neck and shoulders from too much typing and texting (I know I am!) here is my favorite stretch for getting some relief. Channel your inner scorpion!

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The Best Stretches to Help with Back and Hip Pain

The Best Stretches to Help with Back and Hip Pain

Lower back and hip pain is incredibly common thanks to the hours and hours we spend sitting and toiling away on computers and devices. Finding the right stretches, mobility drills and strengthening exercises that will help reset your body and spending a few minutes each day consistently performing them can help keep you pain free and tracking toward your fitness goals. If lower back and hip aches and pains are slowing you down, give these exercises a try. 

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Three Drills for Improved Shoulder Mobility

Three Drills for Improved Shoulder Mobility

The shoulder is (or should be) the most mobile joint in your body. It's comprised of a complex system of big muscles (including the lats and pec major), smaller muscles (like the subscapularisinfraspinatus and deltoids), bones (humerusclavicle and scapula) and loads of ligaments, tendons, fascia and other connective material. It's a highway for many important nerves (such as the Brachial Plexus), arteries and veins. The shoulder is awesome. And odds are if you work at a desk and have a mobile device you treat your shoulders like crap.

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