Somato-what? What You Should Know About Your Genetic Body Type

Somato-what? What You Should Know About Your Genetic Body Type

Science classifies our bodies into genetic categories. Naturally we fall into one (or a combination) of these three “somatotypes” based on body structure, muscle and fat storage and distribution: Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph: Knowing your natural body type can help guide you toward the right exercise and nutrition plan to help you naturally become more healthy and fit. 

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Three Drills for Improved Shoulder Mobility

Three Drills for Improved Shoulder Mobility

The shoulder is (or should be) the most mobile joint in your body. It's comprised of a complex system of big muscles (including the lats and pec major), smaller muscles (like the subscapularisinfraspinatus and deltoids), bones (humerusclavicle and scapula) and loads of ligaments, tendons, fascia and other connective material. It's a highway for many important nerves (such as the Brachial Plexus), arteries and veins. The shoulder is awesome. And odds are if you work at a desk and have a mobile device you treat your shoulders like crap.

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Versa Climber: One of the Best and Least Used Assets in the Gym

Versa Climber: One of the Best and Least Used Assets in the Gym

I like to think of the Versa Climber as the Regina George of cardio equipment. She's fabulous but she's evil. Just ask my clients TrishDubJasonSarah or Tom. In all seriousness, the Versa Climber is one of the best and often most underused assets in the gym. It's an amazing tool for low impact, total body high intensity intervals that help burn fat, build strength and improve movement patterns. It's scalable to your fitness level, can be appropriate even for those with many common joint problems/injuries and is extremely efficient. So if the Versa Climber in your gym is collecting dust, give it a shot and get your quadruped swagger on

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Get an Insider's Look at Caroline Jordan's New Book "Balanced Body Breakthrough"

Get an Insider's Look at Caroline Jordan's New Book "Balanced Body Breakthrough"

I was lucky enough to snag a few minutes with the lovely and talented Caroline Jordan of Caroline Jordan Fitness just weeks before her first book, Balanced Body Breakthrough, hits the streets on October 18! Checkout our video and podcast here for a sneak peak at what's inside and be sure to get your copy at one of these retailers: InksharesAmazon or Barnes and Noble.

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#FirstWorldProblems... Is Your Tech-centric Lifestyle Ruining Your Health? These Tips Can Help.

#FirstWorldProblems... Is Your Tech-centric Lifestyle Ruining Your Health? These Tips Can Help.

Most of us got the memo that “sitting is the new smoking”. Chronic sitting, especially with poor posture, slumped over a laptop, iPhone or other piece of posture-wrecking technology, causes tightness in the hips, pectorals and several muscles that internally rotate the shoulders. Those tight muscles can pull joints out of alignment and cause pain and stiffness in the back, neck and legs and give you that oh so chic Hunchback of Notre Dame look. Not healthy. Not cute. But you can make some simple yet impactful lifestyle changes that will have you looking and feeling healthy and confident. 

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123Honesty with SoulCycle's Andrew Stinger

123Honesty with SoulCycle's Andrew Stinger

It's no secret I'm a fan of SoulCycle. I think it can be a great part of a well-rounded physical and mental fitness program that can help keep you lean and strong. For more on my thoughts about SoulCycle, check out my previous post. Like most group fitness classes it's ALL ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR. Last week I stumbled into SoulCycle SOMA for a 930a SoulCycle Survivor class led by Andrew Stinger. And immediately I knew he'd be inspiring. After class I stalked him down and he graciously agreed to share some of his insights for new and veteran SoulCycle riders. Enjoy and I encourage you to give one of Andrew's classes in the Bay Area a try!

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Overcoming ACL Tears: Don't Let Injuries Rob You of Your Passions

Overcoming ACL Tears: Don't Let Injuries Rob You of Your Passions

This is the story of my client Phil. Though only in his mid-20s years of high level volleyball left him with a damaged knee. Three ACL tears and five knee surgeries later the doctors put him on the bench and told him to wait until medical technology improved enough to offer him a solution. No more hiking, surfing or rock climbing. Simply stepping off a curb presented a challenge. Fast forward less than a year later and, after consistent hard work, Phil has safely summited Half Dome and can hike over the most rugged terrain. To learn some specific exercises for how we strengthened his knee to accomplish this, read on.

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My Favorite Hamstring Stretch

My Favorite Hamstring Stretch

A lot of folks, including myself, have tight hamstrings that foam rolling, static stretching and basic dynamic stretches can’t seem to tackle. Chronically tight hamstrings can lead to compensations in movement patterns, pain behind the knees and lower back and other nasty injuries and problems. For the past few months I’ve practiced a basic move using a monster band and have noticed a difference in my hamstring flexibility and overall mobility including the absence of lower back ache. I’ve used this technique with about a dozen clients so far and those who have done it consistently have seen solid results.

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Supplement Spotlight: Can CLAs Help Me Lose Fat?

Supplement Spotlight: Can CLAs Help Me Lose Fat?

I get asked by a lot of clients, friends and family what supplements they should take. First of all, I never tell anyone what supplements they should take. I’m a personal trainer, not a nutritionist, dietician or doctor. I don’t “prescribe” supplements or specific diet plans. I do, however, provide information and experience that can help them make the best choices for themselves. Previously I covered BCAAs for recovery. Today we’ll look at CLAs and whether they can help shed unwanted body fat.

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Read. This. Book. Now! Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World

Read. This. Book. Now! Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World

Dr. Kelly Starrett, author of the New York Times Bestseller Becoming a Supple Leopard and creator of MobilityWOD, released this week what I think will be the most important health book in years. I received my copy of Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World yesterday and I cannot put it down. If you sit more than two hours per day (who doesn't?!), use handheld devices or have children in school you simply must read this book. It's filled with loads of critical and practical info that could save your joints and your lives. Pick up a copy, read it and learn how to protect your body and improve your quality of life. STAND UP! 

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Two Go-To Dynamic Warm Ups for Any Workout

Two Go-To Dynamic Warm Ups for Any Workout

Rather than passively forcing our muscles into painful, temporary and ineffective lengthening which can (in some cases) reduce your performance it's generally advisable to take your muscles and joints through a dynamic warm up to prep the body. And even if static stretching is part of your program it's still a good idea to perform a dynamic warm up before a cardio or resistance training workout (especially for those who work all day at a desk, in a car or regularly use computers and mobile devices). Here are two of my favorite dynamic warm ups that I give clients to do before workouts and even throughout the day at work or on rest days. 

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Meal Prep Got You Down? Try These Five Tasty Recipes Courtesy of Allison Tibbs Fitness

Meal Prep Got You Down? Try These Five Tasty Recipes Courtesy of Allison Tibbs Fitness

Allison Tibbs talks the talk and walks the walk. She is an inspiring coach, athlete, businesswoman and - getting to the point of today’s post - unparalleled food prep goddess. If you don’t follow her already, do so immediately. She was kind enough to let me “borrow” these five recipes I learned from her latest clean eating challenge. She is constantly sharing simple, delicious and healthy recipes and food prep strategies. Check her out online, on Instagram and on Facebook.  

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How to Focus Your Yoga Practice: Foundations for Beginner and Advanced Students

How to Focus Your Yoga Practice: Foundations for Beginner and Advanced Students

Yoga means to yoke or to union. It’s a practice meant to connect us with ourselves and to put us at harmony with the world around us. But we live in fast-paced, technology-driven times and many of us demand perfection of ourselves at work, at home and even on the mat. Whether you’re contemplating taking your first yoga class or you’re a yoga veteran struggling to find that union during your Asanas practice, watch this two minute video of the lovely and amazing Morgan McEvilly. Morgan then demonstrates and cues three foundational poses you can use both at home on your own and in practically any typical yoga class.

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Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Sarah Schulze on Making Better Choices, Vegetarianism and Why She No Longer Hates Going to the Gym

Bright-eyed, blond and beautiful on the inside and out. That describes Sarah Schulze. I can hardly believe that it’s been over two years since this amazing woman walked into my gym and into my life. We’ve trained consistently during that time and she’s become not only one of my strongest and most committed clients (she can deadlift, back squat, front squat and hip thrust like a champ and is building up her pull ups now!) but also my friend, my spin sister and my yoga buddy. Sarah embodies the fitness principle of balance. I love her story and her energy and I’m so glad she took the time to share it with us. 

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Why I Love My SoulCycle Saturdays

Why I Love My SoulCycle Saturdays

Years ago, before I became a personal trainer, I visited my best friend in Manhattan. He’s one of those uber connected, “in the know” guys always impeccably dressed and on trend. He couldn’t wait to take me to his newest fitness obsession: SoulCycle. I rolled my eyes with every detail. Candles? Weights on bikes? Motivational coaches? Celebrity sightings? No thanks. But I went. And ever since I’ve included it as part of my balanced fitness program. And here’s why

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Simple Steps to Headstand Success

Simple Steps to Headstand Success

2015 was the year of the headstand. Half a dozen clients this year came to me wishing they could do a headstand. Some thought it would be a fun performance goal and demonstration of upper body and core strength. Some felt self conscious doing inversions during yoga class against a wall. And one had a long term goal of doing a full, unassisted handstand. So I turned to Kathleen Beachler (Personal Training Manager at Equinox Pine Street and former gymnast) to help.

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Unjam Your Body’s Highway from the Foot Up

Unjam Your Body’s Highway from the Foot Up

Some of the brain’s most important sensory input comes from our feet. When the joints of our feet get jammed (from wearing the wrong shoe, having unstable arches or any number of other issues) the information flow from our surroundings to our bodies to our brains (and from our brains to our bodies in response) gets jammed. It’s like we’re stuck in traffic and the brain looks for whatever detour it can take to make movement happen. Until we unjam these joints and free up that highway we’re stuck with poor movement that can lead to pain, injury and less than optimal performance. Read on for a video of a simple drill that might help you move better!

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6 Mistakes That May Be Sabotaging Your Gains

6 Mistakes That May Be Sabotaging Your Gains

Generally I never judge someone’s form unless I know their body and their goals. But that said, there are a few common errors I see a lot. Checkout my interview on for 6 common mistakes (and fixes) in the gym to avoid injury and to increase efficiency. Click here to read the full article.

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Q&A with Nicole Lana Lee: Fitness and Nutrition Are Helping Her “Be the Best Version of Herself”

Q&A with Nicole Lana Lee: Fitness and Nutrition Are Helping Her “Be the Best Version of Herself”

I’m fortunate enough to train some pretty amazing people. Among them is the lovely (both on the inside and out) Nicole Lana Lee. In addition to being a financial wiz, she is also the force behind and a force to be reckoned with in the gym, on the surfboard and in the yoga studio. She was kind enough to share her insights on how her fitness journey and personal training have affected her life. Enjoy!

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Warning! Side Affects May Include Bikini Bod and Uncontrollable Happiness

Warning! Side Affects May Include Bikini Bod and Uncontrollable Happiness

Why is Kim smiling and glowing so bright in this picture we took at 5:30am on October 12?! Because it was reassessment day. We already knew her training program and nutritional tweaks were working because she was feeling stronger, had more endurance and her clothes were fitting great. But it's a good idea to check the numbers and make additional tweaks as needed for optimal results. 

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