How Much Does Sweating Define a Good Workout?

How Much Does Sweating Define a Good Workout?

As days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder there's no doubt that fall is knocking at our doors. For some folks this means changes to their workout routines especially for those who like to run, walk or ride outside. It reminded me of an interesting question I was asked by a reporter a few years ago. He noticed that around this time of year, he stopped sweating during his workouts and was worried this meant he was being less effective. How much does sweating define a good workout? Check out my answer in his article.

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Are Slower Workouts the New Fitness Trend of 2017?

Are Slower Workouts the New Fitness Trend of 2017?

I'm not one to jump on every cockamamie fitness trend that crosses my Instagram. Quite the opposite; I base my training recommendations on science and experience. Everyone knows I'm a fan of high intensity workouts. They are excellent for time-strapped professionals with hefty goals and not a lot of time. But it's important to ensure you're not abandoning lower intensity, steady-state work. If your goals include losing body fat, managing stress hormones and injury/overtraining prevention then check out my interview with

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Don't Call It a Comeback: Moderate-Intensity Exercise Is Still Effective

Don't Call It a Comeback: Moderate-Intensity Exercise Is Still Effective

With all the hype and media attention given to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over the past few years, you’d think everyone was doing it—and maybe they are. If they’re not, they may not be doing anything, believing if they’re not killing themselves during a workout, they’re not really gaining any benefits. But here’s the thing: Recent studies show that moderate-intensity activity still has many benefits. Check out my interview in the August 2017 issue of American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified News for details on the latest research and tips for now to incorporate steady-state cardio back into your program. 

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Versa Climber: One of the Best and Least Used Assets in the Gym

Versa Climber: One of the Best and Least Used Assets in the Gym

I like to think of the Versa Climber as the Regina George of cardio equipment. She's fabulous but she's evil. Just ask my clients TrishDubJasonSarah or Tom. In all seriousness, the Versa Climber is one of the best and often most underused assets in the gym. It's an amazing tool for low impact, total body high intensity intervals that help burn fat, build strength and improve movement patterns. It's scalable to your fitness level, can be appropriate even for those with many common joint problems/injuries and is extremely efficient. So if the Versa Climber in your gym is collecting dust, give it a shot and get your quadruped swagger on

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