When Firm Life Makes Them Flabby, Lawyers Call This Trainer

When Firm Life Makes Them Flabby, Lawyers Call This Trainer

Lawyers face unusually long hours and high amounts of stress in their work. Hours on end sitting and typing, anxiety inducing deadlines and little time for proper meals and adequate rest can leave many of them wondering why they chose the law for a profession. I work with A LOT of lawyers. And my clients will tell you, it doesn't have to be this way. With a practical and efficient fitness program (and the right coach) even the busiest attorney can achieve balance and health without sacrificing his/her career. In fact, my clients say they're actually better lawyers because of it. For more details, check out my interview with Leigh Jones from Law.com: When Firm Life Makes Them Flabby, Lawyers Call This Trainer.

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These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs

Work-life balance is a big challenge for a lot of folks and can be a huge obstacle to health and fitness goals. Check out this article from FastCompany.com, These Work-Life Balance Strategies Help Even In The Most Demanding Jobs. It includes interviews of successful professionals in industries known for insane hours and find out how they manage to maintain a personal life amidst the intensity of their careers. Included was my awesome client Tom, the office managing partner of law firm Nixon Peabody’s San Francisco office. 

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