Home Workout


Gym Workout - May 2018

Warm up x1
Foam Roll: Back, Lats/Pecs, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, ITB
Banded Side Steps (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Banded Glute Bridges (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Red Resistance Band Overheads x12 (like we used to do with PVC pipe at Pine Street)
Walk Outs x 5

Super Set x2-3
Row Erg (low intensity) 300m
Turkish Get Ups x3e
Single Arm KB Farmer Carry x 12-16kg

Super Set x2-3
Plank on Swish Ball 30s and 10 circle each way
20-30# Barbell (back) Lateral Lunges x 12e
Lat Pull Down WIDE attachment x 12

Super Set x2-3
DB Press on Floor 25# DBs x 10-12
Plank on Hands 45-60s
TRX Inverted Row x 12

Home Workout - May 2018

Warm up x1
Foam Roll: Back, Lats/Pecs, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, ITB
Banded Side Steps (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Banded Glute Bridges (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Red Resistance Band Overheads x12 (like we used to do with PVC pipe at Pine Street)
Walk Outs x 5

Super Set x2-3
Glider Plank Tucks x 12 (use towels on floor - like the glider slides but a tuck at the hips)
KB Swings x 20
Curtsy Lunges with DBs at sides x 12e

Super Set x2-3
Paloff Press with Resistance Band x 12e (just like cable in gym but rig up your resistance band) 
Goblet DB Lateral Lunges x 12e
Single Arm Resistance Band Standing Rows x 12e

Super Set x2-3
Side Plank with Twist x 12e
Single Arm Bent Over KB Row x 8-12e
Standing DB Bicep Curls x 8-12e

Home Workout - March 2018

Warm up x1
Foam Roll: Back, Lats/Pecs, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, ITB
Banded Side Steps (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Banded Glute Bridges (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Red Resistance Band Overheads x12 (like we used to do with PVC pipe at Pine Street)
Walk Outs x 5

Super Set x2-3
Plank on Hands -> Down Dog (3s hold) -> Same Side Knee/Elbow Mountain Climber R & L repeat x 12 each
Kettle Bell Swings 20kg x 20-25
Kettle Bell Farmer Carries 20-30s

Super Set x2-3
Plank Up Downs 6e side
DB Goblet Reverse Lunges 10e side
Resistance Band Half Kneeling Lat Pull Downs x 12e

Super Set x2-3
Side Plank Dips DB Raises x 10-12e
Dumb Bell Deadlifts x 12 reps
Reverse Lunge to Resistance Band Break Across Chest x 12e side

Gym Workout - March 2018

Warm up x1
Foam Roll: Back, Lats/Pecs, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, ITB
Banded Side Steps (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Banded Glute Bridges (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Red Resistance Band Overheads x12 (like we used to do with PVC pipe at Pine Street)
Walk Outs x 5

Super Set x2-3
Plank 60s
Bench Supported DB Rows
HEX Deadlift 95# (25# each side) x 10-12

Super Set x2-3
Plank Gliders x 12
Step Ups 30# BB Back x 10e
Lat Pull Down Narrow Attachment 55-65# x 12

Super Set x2-3
Ball Slams 12kg x 12-125# DB x 8e
Goblet Curtsey Lunges Two 15-17.5# DBs x 12e
TRX Face Pulls x 12

Home Workout - January 2018

Warm up x1
Foam Roll: Back, Lats/Pecs, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, ITB
Banded Side Steps (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Banded Glute Bridges (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Red Resistance Band Overheads x12 (like we used to do with PVC pipe at Pine Street)
Walk Outs x 5

Super Set x2-3
Eccentric Leg Lowers (5s release) x 12
Kettle Bell Swings 20kg x 15
Kettle Bell Dead Lifts (two 20kg) x 12

Super Set x2-3
Forearm Plank x 60s
Goblet Squat 30# DB x 12
Bent Over Single Arm DB Row 25# x 12e

Super Set x2-3
Side Plank Dips x6 Side Plank Twists x6 each side
Reverse Lunge to Curl to Over Head Press with 12.5# DBs x 6e
Hinge Reverse Flies Eccentric x 12

Gym Workout - January 2018

Warm up x1
Foam Roll: Back, Lats/Pecs, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, ITB
Banded Side Steps (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Banded Glute Bridges (blue band above knees) x1 minute
Red Resistance Band Overheads x12 (like we used to do with PVC pipe at Pine Street)
Walk Outs x 5

Super Set x2-3
Cable Paloff Press x 12e
Step Ups Holding 20# DBs x 10e
Seated Cable Row 55# (time under tension) x 12

Super Set x2-3
Plank on Hands -> Down Dog 3s -> Plank -> Same Side Knee/Elbow touch (both) x 6e
Goblet Lateral Lunges 25# DB x 8e
Cable Face Pulls 30# x 12

Super Set x2-3
Half Kneeling Cable Chops 15-20# x 10e
Goblet Curtsey Lunges 25# DB x 8e
Half Kneel Cable Single Arm Lat Pull 30-40# x 12e

Articles and Resources

JJ's Guide to Eating Clean

Ankle Mobility Drills