Can "Flexible Dieting" Make You a Healthier, Happier Human?

Can "Flexible Dieting" Make You a Healthier, Happier Human?

"Flexible dieting" isn't a diet; it's a nutritional concept where you have daily calorie and macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein and fat) targets and as long as those specific numbers are achieved, then food selection is left up to your personal preference. Sounds awful? What if I said you could eat pizza and drink wine and still lose unwanted body fat? Here's the skinny on how it works!

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Q: Can You Really Hit Your Ideal Protein Goal? A: Yes! Here's How.

Q: Can You Really Hit Your Ideal Protein Goal? A: Yes! Here's How.

Many of my nutrition and training clients find success in flexible dieting. If their goal is fat loss, the most important thing is to maintain a modest calorie deficit over time. But if maintaining or building lean muscle is also a goal, we have to make sure they are hitting their protein target. Sometimes this means aiming for ~175-200g protein in a day on a ~2,400kcal diet which can seem impossible at first. So here is a sample day for how that can be achieved that won't leave you starving and will likely leave you feeling full and satisfied. 

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Macros for Dummies: What You Need to Know About These Essential Nutrients

Macros for Dummies: What You Need to Know About These Essential Nutrients

It seems like all people talk about these days are their macros, as they use some app on their smartphone to calculate whether they can eat the bun that came with their burger. But what exactly does it mean when they say something does or doesn’t fit into their macros? And how do you know what your allotted macros should be? And why is this suddenly so trendy? Read my interview in Oxygen Magazine for a break down behind the mystery of macros and determine if this advanced nutritional strategy is right for you (because it might not be). 

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Peter's Turkey Sauté with Tomato Sauce and Veggies

Peter's Turkey Sauté with Tomato Sauce and Veggies

It's no secret. The men of my household take meal prep seriously. And my partner Peter is the captain of our good ship Tasty Noms. Clients are always asking for quick, easy and healthy recipes that won't break the bank. And just last week a fellow massage student pal of mine looked longingly over her peanut butter sandwich at my salmon, sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli and asked "how do you do it?!" Based on the popularity of my recent turkey meat loaf recipe I thought I'd share one of my favorites from Chef Peter: turkey sauté with tomato sauce and veggies. 

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30 Minute Meal: Low Carb Chicken Caprese with Zucchini Noodles

30 Minute Meal: Low Carb Chicken Caprese with Zucchini Noodles

One of my awesome clients Jason gave me a challenge last week. He wanted a quick (30 minutes or less) meal he can make at home with ingredients he can pick up at practically any grocery store (not just Whole Foods) that will fit his macros. Normally he meal preps and is open to the occasional food delivery service but wanted something he could make himself and hopefully have left overs. Challenge accepted! Try this low carb, high protein and healthy fat spin on a comfort food favorite.

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Living That Macro Life: A Guide to Macronutrient Splits and Other Nutritional Strategies That Work

Living That Macro Life: A Guide to Macronutrient Splits and Other Nutritional Strategies That Work

Eating to your macros can be overwhelming and unless you’re extremely committed to losing a specific amount of body fat or gaining a specific amount of muscle in a specific amount of time it can be overkill. For the novice this can lead to serious frustration, yo-yo results and loss of resolve to continue with a health and fitness regime. Typically those who successfully eat according to their macro split pre-plan their daily menus, food prep like champs or use a meal delivery service, and track everything they eat using a mobile tool like MyFitnessPal. It’s not for the faint of heart. Why do people do this? Results.

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